I was at the conference "Novel trechnological innovations for occupational safety an health" in Warsaw - Poland

I gave a lecture at the Innovate Textile & Apparel Europe 2019 - ITA.

Vavčer za udeležbe na mednarodnih forumih

Sofinanciran projekt po pogodbi št. PVAV4-19/00020 z dne 20.5.2019.
Sofinancirana je bila udeležba na mednarodnem forumu: 10-14.6.2019 AUTEX2019,
Gent, Belgija.
Operacijo financirata Republika Slovenija in delno EU, iz Evropskega sklada za
regionalni razvoj.


Member on H2020: COST Actions (COST is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks.)

with projects from H2020,such "KMU-Instrument" und "Fast Track to Innovation"

Vortrag bei der internationalen Textilkonferenz AUTEX 2019 in Gent: http://www.autex2019.org/

Invited lecture in Warsaw in October at: CIOP-PIB Conference on Novel technological innovations for occupational safety and health (https://www.ciop.pl/CIOPPortalWAR/appmanager/ciop/en?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=P22200118821393422994116)