Od 3. do 4. septembra se bo odvijala WT konferenca, v Muzeju računalniške zgodovine, Mountain View, ZDA.

Na konferenci bo govora o različnih temah, kot sodigitalno zdravje, metaverse , Nosljive tehnologije.

Vse to lahko najdete na spletni strani: WT | WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2024 USA (wearable-technologies.com)

Dvodnevna konferenca bo združevala najnoveše inovacije in govorce iz celega sveta.



From 3rd to 4th September in Computer History Museum, Mountain View, USA.

You can learn about the topics of this must-attend event for Digital health and Metaverse Enthusiasts as well as the entire Wearable Technology Ecosystem at the website: WT | WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2024 USA (wearable-technologies.com)

This two days conference will be filled with latest innovations, speakers and showcasers from all around the world.
WT US Partners


Addtex - Hackathons

May 5, 2024

From the 15th to the 17th of May 2024, AddTex Project partners have organized Hackathons for students coming from different universities (University of Boras, UPC, PIN and TUS) who are taking part in the AddTex Project consortia. 

This motivating and challenging activity worked as a link to connect students from different universities with real-life industry challenges, promoting innovation in digitalisation, design and sustainability.  

Hackathons were done in a collaborative effort with all project partners, bringing together professors, students, cluster managers and experts from across Europe. In two days, university students actively worked on finding the best solutions to real-life challenges proposed by various textile companies. Challenges were provided and presented by companies who are cluster members of AddTex project partners (PTC/CITEVE, CLUTEX, IVGT and AEI Tèxtils). 

Proposed challenges from the companies focused on the AddTex project's main topics: sustainability, digitalization processes and smart and advanced materials.

Challenges set for students were highly challenging given the amount of time in which students had to bring the solution from the initial idea to the full presentation. 

  • Challenge no. 1: Creation of a 100% recyclable paper luxury bag
  • Challenge no. 2: Textile accessory with safety features (HI-visibility)
  • Challenge no. 3: Reducing textile waste through new recycling ideas at an awning manufacturer
  • Challenge no. 4: Smart traceability

During the Hackathons, 17 experts were supporting the process online in different time settings, making sure they were available for groups of students working on the challenges. 

Students were able to book a session with experts coming from diverse backgrounds, from digital marketing experts to business model developers, smart textile experts, professors, researchers, technicians, designers, and R&D engineers. Online experts provided support and brainstorming and helped navigate student's idea development in the most feasible way possible. 

Companies proposing those challenges took part in the jury setting of Hackathons and were able to evaluate and comment on proposed ideas. The winning groups of students will be given the opportunity to develop their idea along with the company thanks to a virtual internship. Virtual internships will give young individuals the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the working processes of the hosting companies. The participating companies, as well, will be given the opportunity to participate in a Masterclass according to their needs.

Each group of students showed their enthusiasm, presenting innovative approaches, and developing cutting-edge solutions within the challenges of the industry. 

Visit: AddTex


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Hacktex launches its 4th Newsletter!

April 29, 2024

Hacktex project launched its 4th Newsletter. You are invited to read it here Hacktex launches its 4th Newsletter! | HACKTEX

Newsletter content presents the current stage of the project and focuses on the MOOC presentation as well as the training boot camp, virtual methodological guide and the Handbook of good practices. 



Techtextil 2024

April 26, 2024

At the 20th Techtextil from 23 to 26 April 2024, international exhibitors presented the entire spectrum of technical textiles, nonwovens, functional apparel textiles and textile technologies.

Texprocess, the leading trade fair for the apparel and textile processing industry, took place parallel to the Techtextil.

TITERA took part as a Fair visitor, taking insights into textile novelties, advances in smart textiles and sensor integration, visiting business partners and building connections for the future.


Dan inovativnih materialov

April 5, 2024

TITERA je uspešno organizirala dogodek z naslovom Dan inovativnih materialov na Srednji šoli za storitvene dejavnosti in logistiko Celje na dan 04.04.2024.

Počaščeni smo, da smo imeli priložnost predstaviti rezultate projekta Hacktex in dali priložnost tekstilnim podjetjem, da predstavijo svoje delovne in proizvodne procese  mladim generacijam, ki vstopajo v tekstilno industrijo.

Hvala da ste bili z nami in hvala, da verjamete v dobre zgodbe!




VABILO: Dan inovativnih materialov

March 25, 2024

TITERA vas vabi na DAN INOVATIVNIH MATERIALOV, ki bo potekal v četrtek, 4. aprila od 10:00 do 13:00 v prostorih srednje šole za storitvene dejavnosti in logistiko, Celje.

Dogodek povezuje predstavnike slovenske tekstilne industrije in dijake zaključnih letnikov tekstilne smeri ter nudi odlično priložnost za povezovanje, izmenjavo znanj in mreženje.

Prijave zbiramo do 2. aprila na mail: Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Potrebujete Javascript za pogled.

Dogodek je organiziran v sklopu projekta Hacktex.

Toplo vabljeni, da se nam pridružite!

Flyer A5 Paseador de Perros Animado Rosa y Verde



Promotion of research, technology and Innovation

March, 2024


ADDTEX gathering in Athens

Februar 5, 2024

30-31. 1. 2024

ADDTEX project partners met again in Athens on January 30th and 31st, 2024.

The meeting started with the presentation of Work Package 3 activities and results by IDEAM

The Smart, Digital and Green Skills Academy consisting of curricula, training modules and educational resources connected to innovation in advanced textile materials and focusing on green, smart and digital transitions will be officially launched at the beginning of March 2024. Enrolment in the courses is open to textile engineers and professionals, technicians and graduates and managers and mentors. 

The meeting continued with TITERA presentations of the summer school, which will be organised in Prato during the first week of July 2024 and will be addressed to university students of  PIN, UB, UPC and TUS 

The summer school will involve students in developing solutions and prototypes to solve challenges connected to the green, smart and digital transitions. Lectures, group work, company visits, and prototyping sessions will be at the core of the programme.

The day ended with an overview of the state of the art of the different transversal activities: communication and dissemination, presented by CIAPE; and quality, presented by Cre.Thi.Dev., and management aspects presented by AEI Textils.

The second day started with an overview of WP5 which promotes collaboration between academics and industry through the establishment of HUBS inside clusters and the organisations of a Hackathon which will involve students and companies. A first idea was shared by CITEVE

The AddTex project is advancing successfully and the programme for the next months will be full of activities both for project partners and beneficiaries. 

For more information:

Website: https://www.addtex.eu/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AddTexEU

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/addtex_eu/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AddTexEU

LinkedIn: https://twitter.com/AddTexEU

YouTube: //www.youtube.com/@AddTexEU">https://www.youtube.com/@AddTexEU

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EuroBoosTEX 1st open call for proposals "Individual innovate boost grant"

December, 2023 

TITERA became the beneficiary of the 1st EuroBoosTEX call: Innovate.

Project DigiTEXlabel aims to replace care labels, which are often cut off after purchase because they are uncomfortable or unreadable after several washes, with a digital, NFC or RFID label on the textile or paper product. Project duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023



XBuild EU 1st open call for proposals "Global Vaucher"

December, 2023

TITERA became the beneficiary of the 1st Open Call for the Global Voucher!

project CoolShield wants to find a solution to extreme heat and body protection in the UAE.

Project duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023

xbuild tit1


Hacktex consortium launches the Bootcamp, an intensive training course for university students!

November 27,  2023

In a week from 13. 11 - 17. 11. 2023, the Hacktex project organised, in Borås, Sweden, an intensive training course named Hacktex Bootcamp.  The course gathered students from the 4 participating universities: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University from Romania, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya from Spain, the University of West Attica from Greece and the hosting partner, the University of Boras.

Before the intensive course, all students had access to the virtual training materials on smart textiles (MOOC) and the virtual guide on entrepreneurship focusing on smart textiles.

The program, developed previously by the Hacktex consortium, counted with several dynamic activities and challenges which mixed students from all universities. The students were divided into teams and tasked with conceptualizing smart textile products, considering their raw materials and specific technologies, as well as issues regarding product sustainability. They also identified the specifics of the main steps to develop a business model for their respective products. The ideas generated by the teams were presented and discussed. 

Other activities included a visit to a textile company in Borås, participation in the Borås Textile Days event and a visit to the textile museum at the University.

The multicultural experience of interacting with students, and the academic challenges were met with creativity, based on the knowledge from the lessons in the MOOC and the virtual guide on entrepreneurship and the possibility to attract young specialists toward the field of smart textiles represent the real gain of the HACKTEX Bootcamp.

Check out the video to figure it out!



HACKTEX Intensive Training Bootcamp


We have important information for Universities and companies! 

Hacktex project is promoting new digital education methods to open up textile engineers' skills and knowledge of smart textiles. We have created a virtual platform which is free to enrol and take part in the educational processes. Explore the video content and learn new things about smart textiles via materials prepared by EU experts, professionals and academic personnel. We would also like to invite you to stay tuned for the upcoming boot camp intensive training course which will take place at the University of Boras in Sweden later this month.

Please visit the project website for more information: https://hacktex.eu/



HACKTEX 3rd Newsletter release


We are happy to share with you that Hacktex has released its 3rd newsletter. Feel welcome to browse through useful information on the current status of our project and what are the milestones we have achieved. 

Please visit the project website for more information: https://hacktex.eu/



TITERA presented ongoing EU projects at the Symposium on Novelties in Textiles


In October, the Faculty of Naturals Sciences and Engineering, Ljubljana organized and hosted the 49th Symposium on Novelties in Textiles where TITERA took part as well.

In the light of developing innovative learning content in the area of smart textiles, TITERA presented active EU projects that focus on smart textiles which the company is taking part. We presented current work on the development and importance of implementing learning materials on smart textiles on multiple levels to broaden the general and professional knowledge of smart textiles and the smart textile industry.


ADDTEX Video preparation for the MOOC content


TITERA took part in developing materials for the MOOC in the Addtex project where we covered topics related to smart transitions. Materials were developed in three levels, targeting three different target groups from Technicians to Experts. 

In order to maintain professional, coherent and high-standard material delivery, we headed to Terassa to the UPC (Universitat Politecnica Catalunya) where we recorded videos for the upcoming MOOC.

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ADDTEX Press Release


ADDTEX consortium met again in Limerick, Ireland, on July 11th and 12th, hosted by IDEAM cluster and TUS – the Technological University of the Shannon. The meeting took place at the headquarters of the National Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC), National Technology Park.

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